Sunday, October 16, 2011

Benjamin and the Kookamunga Lecture

As a parent, I have been breaking new ground with Benjamin this last couple of weeks. For the first time, he has a girl that he really likes, and is trying to create excuses and opportunities to spend time with her. He has even asked for permission to bring her along on family outings.

So this week I had to break out the Kookamunga Lecture.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Kookamunga lecture, I'll explain. (Mom, Tiffani, please forgive me if I have the details wrong.) Several years ago, before Tiffani was 16, she was asking for permission to attend a "get together" that involved equal numbers of boys and girls pairing off together at the event. Mom basically said that Tiffani could call it anything she wanted to, she could even call it a kookamunga, but that if people were pairing off it was still a date and Tiffani couldn't go.

Mom had a good sense of humor. I remember her approach totally diffusing the situation, and that even Tiffani laughed.

It worked just as well for me. I told Benjamin the story about Tiffani, and told him that the Kookamunga lecture applied for him as well. He also had a good laugh.

So, thanks a lot Mom!