Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No Pajamas and No Sleep

For many, many Christmas's I have sewn flannel pajamas for my children to wear on Christmas Eve. This year I didn't get it done. I had great intentions and a pile of flannel, but Gavin quit taking naps this fall and I couldn't quite fit sewing into my day. I know that I shouldn't, but a part of me feels guilty for not getting it done.

This week I am going back to work. I haven't had a paying job for nearly 10 years, and I am really excited. I will be working very early mornings, but who needs sleep anyway.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Judo Woes

Yesterday was the final day of the semester in Judo for Benjamin and Naomi. About a week ago, the instructor told Brendon that he needed to bring in money for new belts for each of our children. We assumed that they would be advancing to the next belt color, but we were wrong. They didn't advance, although most of their friends did. Naomi didn't seem too upset, but Benjamin was devastated. He held in the tears pretty successfully until we reached the car, but cried on the way home and then again when he told Brendon about it on the phone. It has been a disappointing semester for both our children with Judo. In a tournament earlier this semester, they both lost all their matches.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gabrielle's Christmas Spirit

This Christmas, Brendon and I wanted to help our children experience the joy that comes from sharing. We decided to adopt a family through the Salvation Army. and were fortunate enough to get a family with 4 children nearly the same ages and genders as our children. Benjamin and Naomi were thrilled, super excited to pick out gifts for their kids, but Gabrielle wasn't. She told me flat out that she didn't want to spend any of our money on someone else's family.

I explained to her that she was going to get to pick out presents for a little girl just her age. I told her that the little girl probably wouldn't get presents if we didn't buy them. I also told her that we were doing it because it made me feel good inside. I can't say I had her convinced, but she didn't complain when it was time to go shopping Monday evening.

We went to Toys 'r' Us and the children all picked out their gifts. Gabrielle seemed happy helping to choose some Barbie stuff for her girl. When we got into the car to drive home, Gabrielle piped up "I want to do another family now." We explained to her that we really could only do one family.

I am just delighted that she finally caught the spirit of the occasion and that she is learning to enjoy sharing.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lego 4-H

My children have been participating in a Lego 4-H group for the past few months. To participate, they had to build and program a Lego robot. They also had to research and create a presentation on a problem related to climate. This past weekend they did their presentations and competed in the robot competition. I won't go into all the details, but out of 44 teams, my kids group placed 5th. We were really excited.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Spider Bites and Erections

Last night Brendon and I were hanging out paying bills. While we were working we were watching a program on the Discovery Channel about poisionous creatures in the Amazon. I wasn't paying too much attention, but then they started talking about an unusually venomous spider. Apparently it has a strong enough toxin to kill a small child, but that wasn't the strange part. When it bites a man it has the unusal side effect of creating life-long painful erections. I looked at Brendon and said that sound pretty bad. He said "Well, that will get you out of your scouting calling." I laughed so hard.

Brendon may regret me starting this blog. I'm totally telling on him.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm a blogger, but I'm not nerdy.

I am joining the bloggers club, since all the cool people I know (ie my sisters) are doing it. I am planning to post some pictures, but I don't have a current one of myself. Hopefully I can get one taken in the next couple of days.