If after looking at a disgustingly dirty family room for a few days I decide to vacuum it, I'll notice there are some spots that don't come out. So, I'll pull out the shampooer and shampoo the carpet.
While I'm dumping dirty water from the shampooer into the toilet, I'll notice that the bathroom floor is dirty. So, I will get some disinfecting wipes and scrub the floor down. As long as I am cleaning the bathroom I decide to do the whole thing thoroughly. This means scrubbing the toilet.
When I scrub toilets, I scrub all 4. (This is because I like to use the C
lorox toilet wand because it is disposable, but I don't think the cleaner on it does a thorough enough job. I squirt 3 of the toilets down with toilet bowl cleaner, and then clean the first with the toilet wand and then use the toilet wand to clean the rest of the toilets and then throw the disposable part away.)
Since the toilets are all clean, I now have to clean the other 3 bathrooms. I start with mine. In order to do a good job on the shower, I spray it down, and then get inside and scrub it out. Now I need a shower.
So I take one. After my shower, I realize that I am exhausted, so I sit down to rest for a while. Gavin bangs on my bedroom door the entire time, and I realize that I really don't have time to rest because I have to pick up Gabrielle from school. (Naomi has achievement days at the church directly after school.)
I am running late, so I drive to the school. After picking up Gabrielle I realize that there is an errand I would like to run as long as I am in the car, so I run to the store.
While we are in the checkout lane, Gabrielle lets me know that she needs to use the bathroom. (I asked her if she had to go before we left the school and she said "No.") The bathroom is at the back of the store, so I get out of line and take her to the bathroom.
While we are waiting for Gabby to go potty, Gavin notices a box of
Doo graham cracker snacks and asks if we can buy them. I know that he is hungry and will probably behave better if he gets them, so I put them in the cart.
I open the crackers and let the children eat them as we drive home from the store. When we return home I notice that the gate has blown open and Lizzy (the dog) is running around in the front yard.
So, I call her and try to get her back in the backyard, but she doesn't listen. Gavin & Gabby see her running around and decide to try to catch her. She can leave them in her dust and runs down the street.
I yell at the children and tell them not to follow her, I make them come in the house and suggest that if Lizzy sees us going inside, she will try to follow us in. She does. As we are coming in the house, the box of
Doo crackers spills on the floor. Lizzy eats them as quickly as she can. I grab the box of crackers and put it in the kitchen. I also have Gabrielle pick up and throw away as many of the crackers as she can.
To get Lizzy into her kennel, I yell "treat". Lizzy comes running and I get her in the kennel. Since I promised her a treat, I get the box of doggy treats out. Both Gabby and Gavin want to give her one, so Lizzy gets 2 treats. It is totally worth 2 treats to me that Lizzy did not pee on the floor in her excitement to be in the house.
After all of the excitement, I sit down on the computer and check in on
facebook. As I am reading my
facebook, I realize I have a pretty good idea for an entry on my blog. So I start to blog. While I am typing my older to children come home from school. They are both hungry and see the
Doo crackers on the counter. They eat a few and then decide they would rather have goldfish crackers.
Somehow the goldfish crackers get spilled on the floor, so Gabby gets a broom to sweep them up. While she is sweeping her friend comes to the door to see if she can play. She can't because her room isn't clean, so she goes upstairs to clean it.
Benjamin keeps bugging on me and I realize I can kill two birds with one stone, if I make him clean one of the remaining bathrooms. So I do. I think I'll go clean the other one.